Sunday, April 20, 2008

You can't replace me because there is only one me
LogoThere is
person with my name
in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Helping Out at the New Student Orientation

Orchid and I got there a little early... as you can tell we were a little bored so we decided to take a few pictures :)

Then Debbie got there! And that is when the PARTY started!!! WOOOO!!!!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Big Update from INDY

Well as you might have heard i didn't make it long in the selling business. i am just too nice and i like people too much to be regected all day long. it hurts my feelings. who would have known that so many people are mean especially to little girls like me :( so i sadly gave up on the door to door business but Travis is still on fire. He loves it. For a guy that isn't so friendly he sure loves persuading people.
So today i looked for a job and i found a "head start" program here in IN that is like a daycare for infants of teen mothers and mothers still in college. so i have an interview with them Monday so i hope that will go well. I just also felt like i needed to become more wifey and motherly and selling wasn't doing that for me. Now i am home before travis and can make him dinner and do laundry and clean and be all happy and encourageing. Oh life is good in the Midwest. Miss you all Please keep me posted on all the lastest in the office. Sending my love

Thursday, April 10, 2008

God be with you until we meet agian

Look on my blog for other pictures from the "one last hour with Courtney party..." ----------------->

I loved working here this semester so much!! you are all so wonderful. please keep in touch on this blog or my own. I promise i will be back after this great indiana adventure. Thank you for always makeing me feel so loved and welcome. You all have been so great. I mean Freak i don't think i laugh harder anywhere else.
Love you all like sisters

Good bye farewell to you my friends good bye for now until we meet again- Gula Gula Island

Monday, April 7, 2008

Pictures from the party

At the going away dessert party we had so much fun talking and eating and being crazy as usual man i am going to miss you all so much this summer but i promis to return
Love courtney

Travis calls this one "mount Rushmore"

Sad day that not everyone could make it but we had a blast.