Friday, December 12, 2008

Christmas Treat

Send your own ElfYourself eCards

Friday, December 5, 2008



Happy 21st Birthday Courtney!!! Hope you have an AMAZING DAY!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

American Idol PARTY!!!!

WE LOVE AMERICAN IDOL!!! So we threw a party to celebrate!

Here is Alicia, Kristen, McCall, and Orchid chillin' together while watching the show!

Ashley, Debbie, Natalie, Nicole, and Meredith ALSO watching the show!

This is like a "before we new who the new American Idol was" picture... because we are all smiling :) But I have one question... Debbie... why are you choking your daughter?

And this is the "after we knew David Archuleta did not win" picture.... VERY VERY sad. Um... and Alicia is bawling... what's new. And who knows what Meredith is doing... "Meredith".

CRAZY PICTURE!!! I would just like to point out McCall's AMAZING face. You wouldn't even know it was her.

Yea... don't really know what happened in this picture... it was kinda just a reoccuring sign of confusion.

Despite the fact that David Archuleta did not win :( we had a lot of fun!! There was amazing chicken, salad, rice, drinks, and pumpkin cookies!! And we had 100% attendance!! All of the advisors came!!! We need to have more parties like this!! Love you all!!!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

long time no post

so obviously nothing goes on without me over there since no one has posted in A very VERY long time... i just wanted you all to know that i miss you SO SO SO much and i am sending a surprise so look for it in the mail


Sunday, April 20, 2008

You can't replace me because there is only one me
LogoThere is
person with my name
in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Helping Out at the New Student Orientation

Orchid and I got there a little early... as you can tell we were a little bored so we decided to take a few pictures :)

Then Debbie got there! And that is when the PARTY started!!! WOOOO!!!!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Big Update from INDY

Well as you might have heard i didn't make it long in the selling business. i am just too nice and i like people too much to be regected all day long. it hurts my feelings. who would have known that so many people are mean especially to little girls like me :( so i sadly gave up on the door to door business but Travis is still on fire. He loves it. For a guy that isn't so friendly he sure loves persuading people.
So today i looked for a job and i found a "head start" program here in IN that is like a daycare for infants of teen mothers and mothers still in college. so i have an interview with them Monday so i hope that will go well. I just also felt like i needed to become more wifey and motherly and selling wasn't doing that for me. Now i am home before travis and can make him dinner and do laundry and clean and be all happy and encourageing. Oh life is good in the Midwest. Miss you all Please keep me posted on all the lastest in the office. Sending my love

Thursday, April 10, 2008

God be with you until we meet agian

Look on my blog for other pictures from the "one last hour with Courtney party..." ----------------->

I loved working here this semester so much!! you are all so wonderful. please keep in touch on this blog or my own. I promise i will be back after this great indiana adventure. Thank you for always makeing me feel so loved and welcome. You all have been so great. I mean Freak i don't think i laugh harder anywhere else.
Love you all like sisters

Good bye farewell to you my friends good bye for now until we meet again- Gula Gula Island

Monday, April 7, 2008

Pictures from the party

At the going away dessert party we had so much fun talking and eating and being crazy as usual man i am going to miss you all so much this summer but i promis to return
Love courtney

Travis calls this one "mount Rushmore"

Sad day that not everyone could make it but we had a blast.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

dah nah nah nah nah NAAAHHH NAHHH ( think you guys understand....) we have a secret meeting tonight!!!! YAYAYAYAYAY!!!!

* so this is my first entry... I'll have another soon! *


Friday, March 21, 2008

Self Portraits

I Drew all of these self portraits for the advising staff in paint. So love them and Enjoy


In Alphabetic order after Debbie...











Wednesday, March 19, 2008


So Ashley, McCall and I went to Lindsey's farewell in Pocatello. Lindsey is a life-long employee at the advising center and we will all miss her greatly while she is on her mission! :) Anyway... it was really fun. In fact, it was so much fun that Ashley and I were COMPLETELY WORN OUT the whole ride home. We are beautiful sleepers.
PS: we are not faking.
Ok maybe we are... but it looks real.

Friday, March 14, 2008

I am all better

I posted this on my blog as well but i since it is almost the weekend i didn't want everyone worring about me until monday so i thought i'd give you all the update.
I went to the doctor today (a real one with a PH.D) and they found out what was really wrong with me. i have stomach gastrophe and a small ulsor. I am on medication to fix it. Somehow my stomach lining isn't breaking my food down good enough but still trying to to digest it anyways thus the extreme discomfort. but this should all be cleared up with a few small tasteless pills. HORRAY for people who actually paid attention in school and know a little something about what they do!! ha ha and don't just try WEB MDing it just hopefully nothing else is wrong and i will be back to myself in no time!!Yiiipppeee

Thursday, March 13, 2008

mccall's pretty picture

Mccall made this pretty picture for the front computer and says to Nicole..."do you like my picture i made for the computer" Nicole kindly response "yes i don't get it" Mccall just thought it needed a nice drawing.... i geuss you had to be there... So i used my madd computer skills to get it online as a tribute. ha ha

Me and Ashley in a Photobooth

I am so sad i am moving away for the summer. Me and Ashley were talking yesterday about how i will have to keep myself updated by blogging. then i was sad because i won't be in any of the new pictures. So i told her i would have to creative with my photoshop. Since we don't have photoshop in the office i resorted to using good old paint. Here is me and Ashley in a photobooth playing dress up just like our silly selves. ha ha i was cracking up making it. enjoy.


Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Alicia's Fetish!

So I have a wonderful story to tell all of you! I decided that since I haven't posted anything yet, I needed to so you can tell that I am actually alive because I don't see many of you throughout the day! Sad life! So yesterday I was at the check in desk and let me tell you how bad I am at that desk-I end up helping more people then I should (dang that chair that was there!) but anyway, I actually had sent some people to others and I was sitting there going to do my homework but who wants to do homework? Not me! So yeah, I all of the sudden had this fetish (Way cool word-you should use it-even though this probably isn't the most appropriate place to use it but I wanted to use it anyway) about the binders that we were going to make for each of the desks and started going crazy! I copied (okay actually not-but that was in the plan), wrote ridiculous titles and info sheets, and starting bugging Sister Willis like crazy! Ahh! And then McCall started me going on colored papers and I was gone in binder land for the rest of the day! Crazy! Well, I thought I would tell you this most hilarious story-okay so it wasn't that hilarious at the time, but hopefully I made it slightly enjoyable. Ha ha ha but know that the binders are in good hands Mwahahahaha!!!

serendipity (another story for another time)

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The New Debbie Willis

We always knew debbie wants to be young again but maybe this is a little too young!?!

The Advisors caught red handed


Suspect one...

The check in desk computer moves closer every day... who is behind this monstrosity?

Suspect two...

Where o' where has the copy cards gone?? Nicole's backpack perhaps??

Suspect three...

The sudden urge to get off work and surf face book. Never!!

Suspect four....

Oops all of my work fell into McCall folder I better just leave them there...

What mischievous thing will the Ed Advisers get away with next?? Stay tuned for the next episode of "the advisers... caught red handed... boredom edition"

Friday, February 29, 2008

Nicole Loves Advising!!!!

So today was fun day at work!!!!!!!!!! Thank you Alicia, Nicole, and McCall for helping my with my goal of taking a picture every day for 1001 days!!! I LOVE these!!!!!!!

So this is a really GREAT video!!!!!!! We were just all sooo excited at work today about our job and how much we love it.... so Nicole could NOT contain herself any longer and showed off some awesome cheerleading moves!!!!! Nicole..... you are amazing!!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Pita Pit!!

So i thought i would post this cute pic!! I just love you girls!

Who Couldn't love this face??!?!??

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Courtney's 101 list

on my blog ( i put my list of a hundred and one things to do in a thousand and one days. so take a look at it. it took a while but it was so worth it.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Ice Skating!!

Look at the temple!! It's beautiful!!!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

101 goals in 1001 days (2.75 years)

I am beginning to create a 101 goal list. I got it from my cousin but its a great idea. you make a list of a hundred and one goals and complete it in almost 3 years. it is great becuase you have multiple seasons and plenty of time to do long term goals and short term goals. I am going to improve myself for sure. so much better than new years resolution. The website that gives you more information and examples is so take a look at it. let me know if you are doing it because it would be really fun to read other peoples. i will probably post mine on this blog as well!! happy goal setting

Saturday, February 16, 2008


So i just had to post a very memorable event that McCall, Nicole, Haliey and I participated in last semester!! MILES FOR SMILES!!!!!!!!! haha.. thinking about it right now makes me laugh so much!! Remember when we got lost and ended up running like 20 miles!!! And remember when we got all of those awards ... and remember when we thought Debbie was going to come and wear her sweat band!!!!! Oh man fun times!!! If anyone else has some you should post them too!!!

Friday, February 15, 2008

I want to be debbie

So as we probably agree Debbie is the best ever. Me and Orchid decided that we are going to be her someday. . . life goal. Orchid can have her job and i will be a mom just like her. She is just cute and funny and nice to everyone. So be like Debbie and you will be loved.

Advising Blog!!!

Hey guys!!!!
So i have been thinking alot lately.... we NEED a blog here for the advising center!!! We are always in and out of the office that we don't always know whats going on in eachother's lives!! So I thought what a perfect way to keep in touch and to post some of our favortie memories on this blog!!! ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How fun is this going to be!! If you EVER have ANYTHING cool PLEASE post it!! We all want to hear about the latest guy drama, or exciting events that are happening in each other's lives!!
And always remember..... Live, Laugh, Love Advising!!!!